Hilary NG, Ka Yan

Assistant Professor

School of Education and Languages

Hong Kong Metropolitan University


Ph.D. in Psychology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

My dissertation titled Simplicity versus Complexity: Navigating Social Diversity with Self-Views and Worldviews had been nominated as the Faculty Distinguished Theses Award. Besides, I have also received the Li Po Chun (LPC) Charitable Trust Fund Scholarship.

B.A. in Applied Psychology (First Class Honours), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

I have completed a thesis on How Does Religiosity Affect Life Satisfaction? Examining the Role of Social Axioms and Social Connectedness in Western and Eastern Cultures. This thesis had been awarded the Outstanding Thesis Award. In addition, I have also awarded for APSS Scholarship for Outstanding Students Recipient and the Dean’s Honours List Awardee.